Location Family planning



Maternal mortality in Mozambique is high: 452 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births (2017). Among others, the major determinants are the low use of family planning and high levels of adolescent pregnancies. Nearly a quarter of the population of Mozambique have suffered from a sexually transmitted infection (STI), with HIV prevalence in Nampula province at 5.7% of the population aged 15 – 49. DMI’s Preservativo campaign ran alongside mass distribution of condoms by the sexual and reproductive health national NGO, Associação Moçambicana para Desenvolvimento da Família (AMODEFA), highlighting the triple protection that condoms offer against HIV, other STIs, and unintended pregnancy.




Sexual and reproductive health – protection from HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases, and unintended pregnancy.


3 x 1-minute radio spots in Portuguese and Makhuwa
1 x animation on condom-use


This radio campaign was broadcast throughout August 2021 on 10 radio stations in Nampula province. We also shared an animated film on DMI Mozambique’s Facebook page alongside the radio campaign.


2.3 million people through radio and over 220,000 through Facebook.

Project at a glance

radio stations
creative outputs

Our Approach


Optimising our campaign design

The aim of the campaign was to support the mass distribution of condoms in Nampula province via radio messaging and social media. DMI developed the messaging strategy for radio spots by analysing the communication plan development by Conselho Nacional de Combate ao SIDA, and building on our understanding of behavioural barriers in the province from our WISH2ACTION project in Mozambique. The messaging strategy focused on the triple protection offered by condoms against HIV, other STIs and unintended pregnancy.


Targeting male audiences

We developed three scripts in the form of testimonies, with thea principal character explaining how they had come to use condoms and appreciate their benefits. To effectively reach our target audience and acknowledge the considerable influence men hold in household decision-making, we developed both married and unmarried male characters to deliver the testimonies. After working alongside radio stations to ensure the scripts were culturally appropriate, we produced three scripts in both Portuguese and Makhuwa. To complement the radio campaign, we also used an animation promoting condom use developed for a previous project in partnership with AMODEFA, WISH2ACTION. This animation highlighted some of the benefits of condom use and how they work. The animation was also produced in both Portuguese and Makhuwa.


Many advantages in one choice

DMI sought to reach the entire province of Nampula with radio broadcasting, particularly targeting areas with a high risk of HIV transmission. We prioritised nine districts with the highest HIV transmission risk for more intensive campaigning: Monapo, Memba, Rapale, Moma, Mossuril, Larde, Erati, Liupo and Nacala. Previous DMI listenership surveys have repeatedly found that combining broadcasting on Radio Mocambique’s network with community broadcasters is the most effective way to reach most of the provincial radio audience. We therefore broadcast on 10 local radio stations, 10 times per day, seven days a week. Alongside radio broadcasting, we shared the animation on DMI Mozambique’s Facebook page, with the campaign slogan of ‘Muitas vatagens em uma escolha’, meaning ‘many advantages in one choice’. The posts were sponsored to appear on the timelines of young people in Nampula.