We recently launched our first-ever social media campaign in Kinshasa, using a series of animations, created by award-winning artist Yoni Goodman, as part of our family planning campaign.

The first animation, Neighbours, follows two neighbours as they marry and start their families. It was launched on Facebook on 14 November 2016. Over the next three days we posted our video on various sites and reached over 97,000 viewers in Kinshasa.

​We saw views and likes increase steeply over time, and had our video shared by over 1,800 users. Our video also generated a lively debate in more than 390 comments.

The campaign allowed us to discover some interesting facts about the audiences that a social media campaign can reach in Kinshasa. The majority of our viewers were male and watched the video on their smartphone, reflecting the greater access that men have to social media and smartphones in DRC. However, our female audiences were more likely to share, like or comment on our videos.

We mostly reached men and women between the ages of 18 and 44, with the largest group being 25-34 year olds – again mirroring the general population that uses Facebook in Kinshasa.

Following the initial social media campaign, our video was then launched broadcast on TV and has been broadcast several times a day for the past two months to reach a wider audience, in line with our Saturation+ approach.

Our second animation, Big Sister, is now trying to reach out to women and girls more proactively and is aimed at a slightly younger audience. The animation aims to educate adolescent girls and young women about contraceptive options and the risks of having too many children too early on. We are interested to see whether this will increase the engagement of younger audiences with our posts, and how effectively we can utilize this story to reach out to their parents and family members, who often strongly influence the decisions young adults make about marriage, education and pregnancy.

Curious about our campaign? Check out Neighbours and Big Sister on our Facebook page.